We Are Never Too Old To Strive For Excellence
Silhouette of a woman at the beach with arms outstretched against a vibrant sunset backdrop.

From Creative Energy to Creative Excellence

Discover your passion. Then find the tools you need to make it happen

Elegant photo of a man in a formal coat and fedora hat posing indoors.

A Short Bio

My name is John Cornell.
I am a retired medical professional and aspiring fiction writer. I decided to start this website to share my struggles, expectations, successes, failures, and discoveries along the way. By most standards, I am an older gentleman, so it may seem strange that I am embarking on such an ambitious project. If this is your view, for the most part, you would be correct.
My insatiable imagination means I’m never short on ideas, though I sometimes lack the skill… I’ve been working on that by the way. I’ve got this relentless drive to create—a constant need to bring substance and coherence to the chaotic creative clutter that occupies my mind. I suppose that’s as good a reason as any.
I’m pretty sure I chose the wrong profession because, for as long as I can remember, I have always had a great deal of creative energy. My failed attempts at majoring in music and then English drove me to “be realistic about my future.” I hated the thought of being forced to teach, which seemed a reasonable objection to pursuing those majors at the time.
While I want to be successful at what I do, it’s not the desire for success that drives me. It is the desire to create—to produce something fun, worthwhile, entertaining, and engaging. This is what drives me. If you share this passion, I would love to keep in touch. Perhaps we can learn together!

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